Comfyest membership

Comfyest Membership ($9.99/mo)Our premium membership gets you exclusive access to high quality products and a voice in what products we make available to the public.

Partner Product Discounts

Only with the “Comfyest” Membership do you not only get discounts on Comfy products but other brands’ too.

Memberships for Your Comfy Clique

8 add-on memberships are available. Add-on members receive all benefits as the original Comfyest member.

Participate in New Product Trials

Our sourcing team ensures we are getting high quality CBD products, but we want our patients to be apart of the products we source – We need your help! So help us decide which brands and products you want to medicate with. Select members will receive new products before they are available. After all it wouldn’t be a club if you weren’t included in the decision making process.

Not quite right for you? Check out our other memberships:

Comfy Membership (Free)

Our basic membership, with weekly deals, discounts and insider info.

Comfyer Membership ($4.99/mo)

Our most popular membership, with free gifts and discounts on premium products. Plus all the benefits of a “Comfy” Membership.